Welcome Ramadan ,
The ninth month on the Arabic calendar when we Muslims fast all day long from the sunrise to the sunset . I'll be fasting for a total of 15 hours everyday which is not an easy mission in this crazy life style i have :)
Anyways, Ramadan has it's own peaceful and beautiful atmosphere . It's great to feel the hunger and pain of those who aren't lucky enough to find their daily meals . It teaches us patience , grace and appreciation to what we have !
It's a part in our tradition to have a reception for Ramadan back home in Kuwait where we wear our tradition local dresses we call ( Thoob or Dara'a ) . What I'm wearing here is an example of how a modern Dara'a will look like . This chic design is made by the talented designer Fatma Alduaij . You can find more of her lovely designs on her official Instagram Account .
Happy Ramadan Everyone ,
I'm wearing/
Fatma Alduaij : Dress
Store and more : Turban
UrbanOG : heels