Hola !
Finally It's Spring Break ! I can't believe that I can spend the afternoon not having to worry about my paper , well let's say for the next week at least . Some times I stop for a while and think of all this craziness in my life and wonder " How did I do it ? " . My life is like a continuos multi tasking circle in which I try to give 100% of me to many fields ( Family , School and fashion ) . Well , I consider fashion the only way to breath and keep some of my sanity ! I know many fashionable mothers who do the same :)
Since today was the last day at school before the spring break I was in the mood to wear a skirt . I paired my leopard mini skirt with a black top and a camel jacket . Kinda stayed in the Camel/Black zone because I could't make it more dressy for a day at a graduate school! The open toe lace booties are my favorite purchase from Kuwait . I've been looking for similar ones for a long time . I have plans to wear them in more causal outfits this spring !
I'm wearing /
Romwe : Leopard Skirt
ZARA :Leather Jacket (similar here )
River Island : Booties
YSL : Cabas tote ( Medium )