Hey lovely readers ,
Finally I got my dream neon bag from Cambridge satchel . I'm so happy with this bag and love the super bright yellow neon that glows on any outfit . So thank you Cambridge satchel for making my dream comes true !
One more reason for me to be so excited is that Ramadan is almost here . This month means a lot to us as Muslims when we fast , gather with the family and cook creative dishes all Ramadan's long . It's not going to be easy to post daily in Ramadan as I will be fasting - literally eating nothing - from the sunshine to the sunset and that means 15 hours without food or drinks, but I promise to keep up as much as possible .
I'm wearing / Zara : blazer and shirt (old) / H&M : leggings / Shoedazzle : pumps / Cambridge Satchel : handbag / AE : sunglasses