Hello friends,
Hope you had a nice weekend . Mine was full of craziness like always . Being a working mother and a student at the same time is always crazy and hectic ! I literally feel like a real super woman :)
Today's outfit is a business chic with a flirty touch . As you always know I can't stick to a certain style without playing around and adding some crazy different touches here and there . I decided to pair a formal powerful black blazer with a floral shirt and leather look leggings and to carry my new lovely satchel at the moment. However, I had more fun with the shoes and accessories .
The neon asymmetrical pumps are my number one crazy touch . It brightens the outfit and adds a girly cute edge to it . The second touch is the earcuff . Too cute and unique enough to take the whole look to a new different level . Just trying to make business, well, not so business :)
I'm wearing / Zara : Blazer / H&M : shirt / Cambridge Satchel : Bag / Asos : earcuffs / Shoedazzle : neon pumps
Wish all a successful Monday,